As far as the east is from the west

Sunrise and Sunset

As far as the east is from the west
So far does he remove our sins. (psalm (103) 102 –12)

Living at Mount Michael, beautiful sunrises and sunsets oftentimes get taken for granted because they happen daily. Also living on an elevated range of bluffs, Mount Michael has a very commanding view in most directions, but especially of the west.

Over the years of praying the psalms, the 102nd psalm (verse12) has particular significance for me. If one just thinks about the distance from east to west as the eye can see, standing near the abbey building, it is more than a little amazing.

This is the image of which we should be thinking in which God removes out sins! Truly amazing, indeed it is!

As we begin the Lenten Season we take inventory of our spiritual life and our wrong doing. However, we should not get so bogged down by guilt that we lose the expansive range of forgiveness and the generosity of a loving, forgiving and merciful God.

As far as the east is from the west
So far does he remove our sins.

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