Monastic life at its most basic is a life devoted to a single purpose—the search for God.

Typically the monks will begin their day with morning praise in the chapel at 6:30 am. Following this office there is a brief break and then the community Eucharist is celebrated at 7:15. Following this there is time for breakfast in the abbey refectory and then the morning work period begins.

At 11:45, those whose work allows gather back in the chapel for a brief office of midday prayer. Then lunch follows in the abbey refectory. After lunch there is usually time for a brief rest before the afternoon work period begins.

The monks usually work till 4 pm and then are allowed free time for leisure and rest before the community gathers back in the chapel for Vespers at 5:15 pm. Dinner is at 6 pm with table reading and then shared community leisure afterwards. The day officially ends with night prayer in the abbey oratory at 7 pm.

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