Hall of Fame —- Whitney Houston — Br. Francis Schmitz OSB—Coach Kane


Whitney Houston, Bro. Francis, Coach Kane

The last issue of the Michaeleen announced numerous people who made the Hall of Fame for their accomplishments in the field of sports. Br. Francis Schmitz OSB was one of them. And indeed, it is a fitting and appropriate honor for him. He deserves every part of it.

But I would like to point out another honor that he deserves. His voice and his PERFECT pitch was a phenomenal thing for me. To sing with this man was to share in heavenly delights in lots of ways. I was gifted to have him as a singing partner for many years. What a delight it was and the memories are so vivid that I can still hear his voice and the harmonies he created— even if they were not written.

I often listen to a concert done as a fundraiser for children. Whitney Houston was part of that concert. She sings “I Will Always Love You” in this concert. But before she sings, says gives a bit of introduction to this famous song. It goes something like this: “Really it is all about love and for me music and love are the same thing. So if our kids grow up with music in their lives, they will always be loved by you”.

If our kids grow up with music — if our kids grow up with music — if our kids grow up with music — they will always be loved by you— they will always be loved by you.

Oh my— those words are not just words for me. Music and love ARE the same thing. They really are. Everyone should have music in their lives. My memories of singing with Br. Francis will always stay with me — always. Br. Francis was not just about sports. Music and singing were a huge part of his life — huge. And the man he worked for was the same—Coach Jim Kane! He, too, had music in his life. He COULD sing. Oh yes, he could.

Not so long ago, one of my friends was telling me that all coaches should require some sort of music lessons— singing, dancing – should be offered to their athletes. I believe that with all my heart. To feel the rhythm and to be in harmony and sync, is truly a delightful thing. And I am convinced it would make them all better athletes.

Br. Francis was my singing partner. I felt his rhythm, his harmony, his syncopation, his love! Music is love. If our kids grow up with music, they will always know they are loved by you.

I am putting Br. Francis Schmitz OSB and Coach James Kane into my Hall of Fame — along with many other music people. Let’s be in sync with music in our lives! And let us, PLEASE, try to make music more of the Mount Michael experience.

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